Together into the future with sustainability
Join us on the path to a sustainable future and get to know our values and goals.
It has been our practice as a family business to harmonize ecological, social and societal aspects - for 164 years.
For us, economic decisions always reflect sustainable and responsible action and are an integral part of our strategy.
We also support the goals of the UN Climate Conference in Paris 2015 (COP21) to limit global warming and the 17 defined UN sustainability goals. We aim to implement and achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) through sustainable business practices, new technologies, innovative products and solutions, while at the same time reducing consumption of resources.

By focusing our activities on industrial sectors that lead to a sustainable reduction in CO2 emissions, we are already making a significant contribution to climate protection.
With our products and services, we therefore focus on the development of technological solutions to continuously increase efficiency for regenerative energy generation through wind power and solar plants, an intelligent grid infrastructure as well as electric drives, battery technology and fuel cells for e-mobility.
Sustainability Agenda
Companies must act sustainably in order to develop and grow. However, it is not enough to look at individual aspects, but a holistic approach must be taken.
Therefore, in addition to the topics related to climate protection, we have also examined the extent to which we can make our actions as an employer and business partner more sustainable as part of the development of our sustainability strategy.
Our report follows this principle which highlights the major thematic complexes of Partnership, Planet and People, documents the current status of our efforts and describes our vision of transformation to "Net Zero".

Addressing global challenges in a sustainable way
Every decision focuses on the Sustainable Development Goals3 (hereinafter SDGs). They include 17 goals and they are based on decades of work by the UN and the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs. The SDGs are an urgent call for action by all countries (developed and developing) in global partnership. They stem from the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development which was adopted by all UN Member States in 2015. The agenda is intended to be a shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet itself - now and in the future.
The 17 SDGs and their 169 sub-goals address a wide range of global challenges. We respect the importance of the SDGs and support them.
Application of international frameworks
Get a comprehensive insight into our corporate strategy with our sustainability report. Our report was written in accordance with the standard of the Global Reporting Initiative (hereinafter GRI). It is an internationally recognized standard for compiling sustainability reports.
The Greenhouse Gas Protocol2 was used to record the carbon footprint.

Jointly defining key sustainability issues
As an internationally operating company, the SynFlex Group is confronted with a multitude of different issues. Therefore, identifying issues that are essential for us was a particular challenge. We asked ourselves the following questions: Which issues - in relation to our corporate responsibility - are of particular importance for our actions? What do our stakeholders expect from us? In which areas do we contribute to a more sustainable future? Where can we exert influence?
In order to answer all these questions, a comprehensive materiality analysis was carried out, in the context of which the so-called "Sustainability Council" entered into dialogue with our stakeholders in addition to analyzing the ecological footprint. Our stakeholders include all internal and external groups of people who are directly or indirectly affected by the company's activities at present or in the future.
Fields of Action of our Sustainability Strategy

As an internationally operating company, the SynFlex Group considers sustainable action as an integral overarching issue with regard to all business activities. Sustainability management is therefore both a framework for action and a principle of our corporate responsibility. Through ecological and social activities, we want to contribute to improving the quality of life for all of us, especially for future generations.
To this end, we make use of our value-driven corporate culture and our scientific and technological expertise to enhance our performance while safeguarding our integrity. We want to offer our customers not only first-class products, but also integrate sustainability into our portfolio and business processes at the same time.

We consider climate change as one of the most urgent challenges facing society and perceive climate protection as a central concern and important component of our corporate strategy.
Based on the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive as well as the German Climate Protection Act and in accordance with the UN Global Compact Network Germany, we have structured our climate protection management in analogy to the Greenhouse Gas Protocol for the preparation of our greenhouse gas balance. By continuously determining our greenhouse gas emissions, we measure progress, develop new strategies and continuously define new climate protection measures.

With its business activities, the SynFlex Group not only wants to be economically successful, but also intends to give something back to the people. The company started out as a small family business and now employs almost 800 people. In eight countries, we work together to constantly improve our know-how and support each other along the way.

You want to know more about our activities and measures? Ask for our sustainability report!